Before Advent of Code started this year, I thought if there was one challenge I’d be able to solve in C, it would probably be Part 1 of Day 1. When the puzzle was released, it did indeed seem doable, though there was still plenty I had to figure out for the first time. This was also an opportunity to get an assist from LLMs, for the parts I was unfamiliar with.
The overall strategy was the same with the R solution, to write a get_value() function, then, in main(), loop over the input calling it on each line.
First, here’s my get_value() function. In C, strings are arrays, and this loops over the array in both directions, going left-to-right to find the first occurence of a digit, then right-to-left to find the last, with each loop breaking once a digit has been found, and updating the value of value appropriately.
Toggle the code
int get_value(char input[]){// get the length of the stringint length = strlen(input);// to store the valueint value =0;// find the first digit for(int i =0; i < length; i++){if(input[i]>'0'&& input[i]<='9'){// convert to int and update value value =(input[i]-'0')*10;break;}}// find the last digitfor(int i = length; i >=0; i--){if(input[i]>'0'&& input[i]<='9'){ value +=(input[i]-'0');break;}}return value;}
As for the role of LLMs in this, I came up with the overall strategy and Copilot suggested the code if (input[i] > '0' && input[i] <= '9') and also value = (input[i] - '0') (I needed to amend it with the mulitiplication by 10). I hadn’t come across character literals before, so I asked ChatGPT to explain the code value = input[i] - '0', which was really helpful.1
For main(), new to me was reading in input from a file. I tried various comments to encourage Copilot to show me the way, but it didn’t oblige. I found an example I could adapt on w3schools. One part not covered there is how to ensure that the array in which the line of input is stored is an appropriate length, so I used R to find the length of the longest string in my input2, and set the array size to one larger that that.
Here’s my main():
Toggle the code
int main(void){FILE*fptr;// Open a file in read mode fptr = fopen("input","r");// Store the content of the (line of) the filechar input_line[50];// Set up accumulatorint total =0;// Read the content and store it inside input_linewhile(fgets(input_line,50, fptr)){int value = get_value(input_line); total += value;}// Close the file fclose(fptr); printf("%d\n", total);}
Putting this all together, including the appropriate header files and function declarations, we get a final script.
I compiled it with clang -o script script.c and ran it with ./script and was delighted to see the same total print in the console that I’d found with R.3
Part 2
The crux of the puzzle
As Part 1, except this time the ‘digit’ can also be a word, e.g. “six”.
Back to R, and Part 2, on the other hand, was not straightforward at all, especially for a Day 1 puzzle! At first I was pretty stumped, though after some experimentation and an insight, I was able to solve it without recourse to LLMs.
Like Part 1, I wrote a function that works on one line of input, then applied it to all of them. Unlike Part 1, it doesn’t suit splitting up the string into characters – instead we need to bring on the regex!
My first thought was str_extract_all from the stringr package, but that couldn’t handle the overlapping words, e.g. in "eightwothree" it found "eight" and "three", but not "two". str_extract() is good for finding the first match for a digit/word though.
The breakthrough insight that got me to my solution is that finding the last digit/word is equivalent to finding the first digit/word of the string in reverse. So first, I wrote a quick function to reverse a string:
Next, we need to build the regex for matching a digit/word, both forwards and in reverse. We create nums first, then collapse it and add the regex for a digit, because we need nums later to match() a word to its corresponding value.
To get the last digit, we can then use str_extract() on a reversed input string, though we need to reverse the output back again to turn it into a number-word:4
Toggle the code
library(stringr)get_last_digit <-function(x) { x |>string_reverse() |>str_extract(nums_digit_pattern_rev) |>string_reverse() }
We also need to convert the string to a numeric, for either a spelled out word or a character digit:
Toggle the code
convert_to_digit <-function(x) {if (nchar(x) ==1) { x <-as.numeric(x) } else { x <-match(x, nums) } x}
Putting this all together:
Toggle the code
get_value2 <-function(x) { first <-str_extract(x, nums_digit_pattern) last <-get_last_digit(x) first_digit <-convert_to_digit(first) last_digit <-convert_to_digit(last)10*first_digit + last_digit}sapply(input, get_value2) |>sum()
[1] 54578
That was quite a lot for Day 1! Perhaps I’ll come back another time and attempt a solution to Part 2 in C, but given how tricky that was in R, I expect it would be quite a challenge for me.
Session info
─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
setting value
version R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31)
os macOS Sonoma 14.1
system aarch64, darwin20
ui X11
language (EN)
collate en_US.UTF-8
ctype en_US.UTF-8
tz Europe/London
date 2023-12-06
pandoc 3.1.1 @ /Applications/ (via rmarkdown)
quarto 1.4.515 @ /usr/local/bin/quarto
─ Packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
package * version date (UTC) lib source
aochelpers * 2023-12-06 [1] local
sessioninfo * 1.2.2 2021-12-06 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.0)
stringr * 1.5.1 2023-11-14 [1] CRAN (R 4.3.1)
[1] /Users/ellakaye/Library/R/arm64/4.3/library
[2] /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library
The key parts of the ChatPGT explanation for me were:
In C, the code value = (input[i] - ‘0’) is typically used to convert a character representing a digit into its corresponding numeric value.
'0': This represents the character literal for the digit 0. In the ASCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 are represented consecutively. Therefore, subtracting the ASCII value of ‘0’ from the ASCII value of a digit character gives the numeric value of that digit.
(input[i] - '0'): By subtracting the ASCII value of ‘0’ from the ASCII value of the character at input[i], you get the numeric value of the digit represented by that character. This is a common technique used for converting digit characters to their corresponding integer values.
Actually, at first I got the wrong answer because, in the second loop of get_value(), I’d used i > 0 instead of i >= 0 (damn the difference in indexing between R and C!) This mistake is only a problem when the line of input contains just one digit which appears at the beginning of the string (which hadn’t been an issue testing this on the example input). I don’t know any debugging techniques in C, but I threw in some printf statements and, fortuitously, the second line of my input is this problem case, so I spotted it. I’m not sure I’d have been so lucky in catching my error if the trouble wasn’t caused for several hundred lines of my one thousand line input.↩︎
In retrospect, I could have had a fully base R solution if instead of str_extract I’d used
matches <- regexpr(nums_digit_pattern_rev, string_reverse(x))
regmatches(string_reverse(x), m = matches)
but thank goodness for stringr with its much more intuitive function names and approach!↩︎
Source Code
---title: "2023: Day 1"date: 2023-12-1author: - name: Ella Kayecategories: [base R, C, strings, regex, Copilot, ChatGPT, ⭐⭐]draft: false---## Setup[The original challenge]([My data](input){target="_blank"}## Part 1```{r}#| echo: falseOK <-"2023"<3000# Will only evaluate next code block if an actual year has been substituted for the placeholder```I solved this puzzle in both R and, stretching myself, C.### R```{r}#| eval: !expr OKlibrary(aochelpers)input <-aoc_input_vector(1, 2023)head(input)```::: {.callout-note collapse="false" icon="false"}## The crux of the puzzleCombine the first and last digits that appear in each element of `input` to a single two-digit number, then sum them for all elements.:::I found this straightforward, similar to [Day 4, 2022](../../../../2022/day/4/index.qmd). ```{r}get_value <-function(x) { x <-strsplit(x, "") |>unlist() x_nums <- x[x %in%1:9]paste0(head(x_nums, 1), tail(x_nums, 1)) |>as.numeric()}sapply(input, get_value) |>sum()```### CBefore Advent of Code started this year, I thought if there was one challenge I'd be able to solve in C,it would probably be Part 1 of Day 1. When the puzzle was released, it did indeed seem doable, though there was still plenty I had to figure out for the first time.This was also an opportunity to get an assist from LLMs, for the parts I was unfamiliar with.The overall strategy was the same with the R solution, to write a `get_value()` function, then, in `main()`, loop over the inputcalling it on each line. First, here's my `get_value()` function. In C, strings are arrays, and this loops over the array in both directions,going left-to-right to find the first occurence of a digit,then right-to-left to find the last, with each loop breaking once a digit has been found, and updating the value of `value` appropriately.```{c eval = FALSE}int get_value(char input[]) { // get the length of the string int length = strlen(input); // to store the value int value = 0; // find the first digit for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (input[i] > '0' && input[i] <= '9') { // convert to int and update value value = (input[i] - '0')*10; break; } } // find the last digit for (int i = length; i >= 0; i--) { if (input[i] > '0' && input[i] <= '9') { value += (input[i] - '0'); break; } } return value;}```As for the role of LLMs in this, I came up with the overall strategy and Copilot suggested the code `if (input[i] > '0' && input[i] <= '9')` and also `value = (input[i] - '0')` (I needed to amend it with the mulitiplication by 10).I hadn't come across character literals before, so I asked ChatGPT to explain the code `value = input[i] - '0'`, which was really helpful.[^1][^1]: The key parts of the ChatPGT explanation for me were: In C, the code value = (input[i] - '0') is typically used to convert a character representing a digit into its corresponding numeric value. - `'0'`: This represents the character literal for the digit 0. In the ASCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 are represented consecutively. Therefore, subtracting the ASCII value of '0' from the ASCII value of a digit character gives the numeric value of that digit. - `(input[i] - '0')`: By subtracting the ASCII value of '0' from the ASCII value of the character at `input[i]`, you get the numeric value of the digit represented by that character. This is a common technique used for converting digit characters to their corresponding integer values.For `main()`, new to me was reading in input from a file.I tried various comments to encourage Copilot to show me the way,but it didn't oblige. I found an example I could adapt on [w3schools]( part not covered there is how to ensure that the array in which the line ofinput is stored is an appropriate length, so I used R to find the length of the longest string in my input^[`input |> sapply(nchar) |> max()`], and set the array size to one larger that that.Here's my `main()`:```{c eval = FALSE}int main(void) { FILE *fptr; // Open a file in read mode fptr = fopen("input", "r"); // Store the content of the (line of) the file char input_line[50]; // Set up accumulator int total = 0; // Read the content and store it inside input_line while (fgets(input_line, 50, fptr)) { int value = get_value(input_line); total += value; } // Close the file fclose(fptr); printf("%d\n", total);}```Putting this all together, including the appropriate header files and function declarations, we get a final [script](script.c){target="_blank"}.I compiled it with `clang -o script script.c` and ran it with `./script`and was delighted to see the same total print in the console that I'd found with R.[^2][^2]: Actually, at first I got the wrong answer because, in the second loop of `get_value()`, I'd used `i > 0` instead of `i >= 0` (damn the difference in indexing between R and C!)This mistake is only a problem when the line of input contains just one digit which appears at the beginning of the string (which hadn't been an issue testing this on the example input). I don't know any debugging techniques in C, but I threw in some `printf` statements and, fortuitously, the second line of my input is this problem case, so I spotted it.I'm not sure I'd have been so lucky in catching my error if the trouble wasn't caused for several hundred lines of my one thousand line input.## Part 2::: {.callout-note collapse="false" icon="false"}## The crux of the puzzleAs Part 1, except this time the 'digit' can also be a word, e.g. "six".:::Back to R, and Part 2, on the other hand, was not straightforward at all,especially for a Day 1 puzzle! At first I was pretty stumped, though after some experimentation and an insight,I was able to solve it without recourse to LLMs.Like Part 1, I wrote a function that works on one line of input, then applied it to all of them.Unlike Part 1, it doesn't suit splitting up the string into characters -- instead we need to bring on the regex!My first thought was `str_extract_all` from the **stringr** package, but that couldn't handle the overlapping words, e.g. in `"eightwothree"` it found `"eight"` and `"three"`, but not `"two"`.`str_extract()` is good for finding the first match for a digit/word though.The breakthrough insight that got me to my solution is that finding the last digit/word is equivalent to finding the first digit/word of the string in reverse. So first, I wrote a quick function to reverse a string:```{r}string_reverse <-function(x) {strsplit(x, "") |>unlist() |>rev() |>paste0(collapse ="")}```Next, we need to build the regex for matching a digit/word, both forwards and in reverse.We create `nums` first, then collapse it and add the regex for a digit, because we need `nums` later to `match()` a word to its corresponding value.```{r}nums <-c("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine")nums_pattern <-paste(nums, collapse ="|")nums_digit_pattern <-paste0(nums_pattern, "|\\d")nums_pattern_rev <-string_reverse(nums_pattern)nums_digit_pattern_rev <-paste0(nums_pattern_rev, "|\\d")```To get the last digit, we can then use `str_extract()` on a reversed input string, though we need to reverse the output back again to turn it into a number-word:[^3]```{r}library(stringr)get_last_digit <-function(x) { x |>string_reverse() |>str_extract(nums_digit_pattern_rev) |>string_reverse() }```[^3]: In retrospect, I could have had a fully base R solution if instead of `str_extract` I'd used``` matches <- regexpr(nums_digit_pattern_rev, string_reverse(x)) regmatches(string_reverse(x), m = matches) ``` but thank goodness for **stringr** with its much more intuitive function names and approach!We also need to convert the string to a numeric, for either a spelled out word or a character digit:```{r}convert_to_digit <-function(x) {if (nchar(x) ==1) { x <-as.numeric(x) } else { x <-match(x, nums) } x}```Putting this all together:```{r}get_value2 <-function(x) { first <-str_extract(x, nums_digit_pattern) last <-get_last_digit(x) first_digit <-convert_to_digit(first) last_digit <-convert_to_digit(last)10*first_digit + last_digit}sapply(input, get_value2) |>sum()```That was quite a lot for Day 1! Perhaps I'll come back another time and attempt a solution to Part 2 in C,but given how tricky that was in R, I expect it would be quite a challenge for me.##### Session info {.appendix}<details><summary>Toggle</summary>```{r}#| echo: falselibrary(sessioninfo)# save the session info as an objectpkg_session <-session_info(pkgs ="attached")# get the quarto versionquarto_version <-system("quarto --version", intern =TRUE)# inject the quarto infopkg_session$platform$quarto <-paste(system("quarto --version", intern =TRUE), "@", quarto::quarto_path() )# print it outpkg_session```</details>